Sunday, January 11, 2015

World Leaders Join in the Rally/Protest in France against Terrorism; Over 2000 people feared dead by Boko Haram recent attack

Picture Tweeted by +Mark Cottray 

Terrorism is a virus that needs to be stopped when noticed in any part of our world, be it in Africa, Europe, Asia or America, because if not stopped and if left to those affected, it will eventually spread to other unaffected countries. When America was battling with terrorist attacks from extremist Muslims, the world were somewhat laughing at them and even go as far as castigate the ways and techniques they used in battling terror...Now what do we have, terrorism in Nigeria, UK, France, Germany and some other countries who have rarely been visited by terrorist who disguise has religious men/women. We need to be connected and come together as one so that we fight this virus together just as we are winning the war against #EBOLA

According to news reports, Yesterday, Sunday, at least 3.7 million people, including world leaders, marched in anti-terrorism rallies in Paris and elsewhere in France, French officials called the massive gathering in the nation's capital the largest in France's history.
The day of the protest, Sunday, was emotional and peaceful; a gesture of unity just days after Islamic extremists slaughtered 17 people in a satirical magazine industry.
World leaders joined French President +François Hollande , including British Prime Minister +David Cameron , German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. The day also brought together an unlikely duo at the rally: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
People were seen carrying boards and plague cards to show their concern on ending terrorism, with the following hash tags; #JeSuisCharlie #ParisMarch #Paris
Others carried signs that echoed the now-famous phrase that honored slain journalists at the magazine Charlie Hebdo, "Je suis Charlie."
For the guards and police officers who lost their lives in last week's attacks in France, there were signs reading "We are all cops."
For Muslims in France who want to convey that the ideology embraced by the Muslim gunmen does not represent the whole of the faith, signs read "We are all Muslims."
For everyone, no matter their race, class or ethnic background, signs that said "We are all French" were held up with pride.
In other news, Boko Haram, the known terrorist group causing mayhem in Nigeria is reported to have killed over 2000 persons in an attack, in Baga, Northern Nigeria. The attack which CNN reports with a witness accounts, claim that the terrorist group took over a whole town and open fire on many civilians, while burning others who try to escape or hide. Also, +Mark Zuckerberg also made his thoughts known about how the world needs to wake-up on the fight against the menace called terrorism. He opines that +Facebook Inc will continual support the fight against terrorism.

Sources: +CNN 

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