Sunday, October 26, 2014



My thought on the issue of religion might be lame, but really, it’s my thought right? And I am entitled to my opinion. Religion in this country is so annoying and dwindling, if we look at the way it is being practiced (It is seems perfect in the way it is being preached)...Muslim think their religion leads to God, Christians think their religion leads to God while ATR (African Traditional Religion) think theirs also lead to the Supreme being(God). Really, no harm in these thoughts, but the misdeed is seeing your religion as the ultimate and only religion that channel one to God. If others don't receive answers when they pray to God, I bet they would have quit sticking to that religion; be it Christian or Muslim.
Jesus Christ said the ultimate thing is to love God more than you love yourself, while
the second most ultimate of the commandment is to love your neighbors as you love yourself... in other words, whatever you will not take do not inflict on your neighbor, be it in the same religion or not. I belief other prophet of other religion also make some avowal regarding treating your neighbor rightly without no harm.   
To Mr President’s visit to Israel along with entourage, i find it appalling he/they would say they went to pray for Nigeria. Really? Like seriously, does it mean God doesn’t answer prayers again in Nigeria? Nigeria is fast developing into a state filled with extreme religious fanatics and inane leaders (even though they are still citizens of this great nation). Why would I want to travel to Israel to pray to God when I can pray in my room to God and help/lend that my neighbor from the 400,000naira which I belief is/more the cost of the flight ticket and Visa to Israel (talking of economic class here). Those folks went to pray for themselves. They are probably idol worshipers, for them, they belief one river or stone can heal them and answer their prayers, not God! God answers prayers and still perform miracle only when you are not guilty of inflicting pain, suffering and sorrow to your neighbors as individuals or to your people as a leader. We become angels during service/mass or Jumat and become a devil afterwards.
I appeal to all Nigerians to deviate from using religion as a tool to inflict pain to one another; the leaders should stray from using religion as a political gimmick to gain power which they would later use to oppress and inflict suffering on the people (whether poor or rich). Religion is the opium of the people according to Karl Max, but it remains the opium of the people and not a channel to appreciate God and commune with God because we have bad leaders according to Richard Oluseye Anthony, a graduate of Philosophy, University of Ibadan.

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn: @Roluseye

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