I am here again; to write about this country I call my country. Thou, I am writing this time but it is not to denounce my loyalty to the country, but to list out ways in which the past and present government of this country Nigeria as forced this country of mine to act disloyally to me as a person and as a citizen. This is the better time to say it I suggest, because there is no better time than this which I have. In previous years, article upon article as been writing, edited and published on a local, national and international newspaper by numerous activist and golden people who take the ware fare, success and peace of their dear country a “to die priority”. But a question always resound in my hear drum which is; why does the country still remain constant and keep reversing backward? This actually as turn out to be two questions against one which I said it was, but that is not a national concern as the national concern should be why is their a why in the issue of Nigeria? Leaving the servile citizen on a dreadlock that is harsh, you find these words coming out in the lips of every citizen; Oh God! Why me, Why us? The present and previous situation which this “poor” country as fallen a victim of is enough to make this profane statement come out from the blessed lips of every citizen. From the educational sector down to the health sector, down to the financial sector all this I have mentioned among others are all butt of this “ national malnutrition” which as left the country under a deck status since independent.
As the year runs past each one of us, we all have one story to tell regarding our standard of living and the impact of the law to us as a citizen. My story is lengthy and at the same time it as always been repeated from year to hear among major people who intend to listen to my own story. I could recall in 2003 I told a story regarding the then ongoing strike, which left the Nigerian university under a paralytic state and now I am here again to tell the same story. We need a change as the USA president Barrack Obama put it “change we need” so also I am putting it to the leaders of our country Nigeria “A Change We Need” we don’t want to be saying the same story again. Nigerians’ “we really and always bury our heads in the sand and that as really kept us behind”. This as really been a bur under my saddle and I sincerely find it hard to let go. The burning question is that; corruption is now the order of the day in every hide and crack of the country. And the only way to free ourselves form this mischievous bondage is to realize that we are under the bondage of corruption and we really need to free ourselves from it by reorient ting our selves. The leaders are corrupt we say but there is one thing we fail to understand we are the leader of our land, so the success of our country is in our hands. As I was saying earlier we always bury our heads under the sand by indulging all type of mischievous and chalets attitude displayed by the people we appoint to represent us in government, as I usually say about the statement uttered by some unscrupulous element in the government who clam to be representing the people but meanwhile they represent their own lost for power and mammon for their families. The secret I see behind this corrupt leaders is that ‘they store up wealth for their children, grand children, great grand children and great great grand children cause they are not confident on those children to get power and wealth or get the opportunity they have now in the future’.
Nigeria celebrates her 49 years in grand style today I employ you to think of this a child was giving birth to in the year 1960 would have grown up to be what kind of man? The answers to this question is obvious, would he have grown up to be like Governor Raji Fashola or like a sacked bricklayer? Or like the likes of barrack obama or like an insane man walking on the street of New York without no job to rely on or home to rest his head?
Moreover, we need prayers and not churches which serve as a financial institute for the ministers and to some prominent rich people, they leave the poor congregation who are finding it hard to either secure a job or get admission into the university at the expenses of paying offerings and tight. we need to change the way insight are been passed and created.
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