Yes, you took me in,
Yes, you carried me for nine months,
Yes, you laboured to deliver me,
Yet, you still laboured to breastfeed me,
Yes, you never slept if I found none,
Yes you are the best mom in the world...
Yet, these words are not enough to capture my love...
No, you never thought evil on me,
No, you never abandoned me when I needed you,
No, no woman can trade your place,
No, I never wished I had another mother aside you,
No, I never wrote a poem in a long while
Nor did I wish anybody else a happy birthday on my blog...
Yes, you deserve the honor and more,
Yes, you are beautiful,
Yet, you deserve more...
I love you ma, you are my goddess ('orisa')...
May God keep you for us, may you reap the fruit of your labour and may God continue to reward you beyond measures...
Happy Birthday Mrs Gbemisola Florence Richard