Richard Oluseye Anthony
You might call it madness, but they call
it sanity…
You might call it inhuman, but they call
it human nature…
You might call it evil and demonic, but
they call it an act of God…
You might call it legal, but I call it a
total waste of time…
I wrote this piece some eight months ago, for a magazine and it was not published, so i thought i need to publish it on my blog to hear people's view and see people's reaction... Enjoy!
I am again, sitting on the stool at the back of my room in Tedder Hall, looking
up to the sky and at the same time steering at the trees and birds. In this
mechanical moment, I am trying to grasp one contemporary issue in the world
today with my mind that needs attention. I was although being very careful not
to come up with an issue that cannot also be attached to non-humans, otherwise
known as animals. At the moment I have the hunger to analyze things/thoughts
and come up with my own stand-point to feed to the world.
And ‘bam!’,