The 27th of this month of may is a month set aside for total reminiscence, but most people take time out to either reflect or merry!
Once in our lifetime, there comes a stage that is so inevitable, that we never can escape from, this stage is tagged or mostly called the Childs stage.
Once in our lifetime there comes a memory that we do cherish and never want to do away with and that we never want it to fade away. That memory is what we call children memory.
I am very sure those of us who are adult and have misplaced our cherished photos of our childhood, will be ready to pay over a million dollars to retrieve them…..
This period that is aforementioned is a very vital stage in every human’s life. It vital because it plays many roles in shaping the future of human person, I will love to make myself clear as much as possible. To great extent, our association as children, our environment our foundation our parent play major role in determining our destiny our future and our later life.
We ought to remember this that children are gift from God, no matter the shape or physical features they are born with; they are real gift of mercy from God. Another basic thing that parent ought to know is that, the tomorrow they clamor for is determined by how they treat their children or wards. It is our basic responsibility as a government as parents and as adult to develop these children in a godly way that they should grow.
In the world today, there are million of children roaming the street without no clear and elusive future or destination all because their predestination has been ridden off or influenced by many factors affecting our community. It is with pain however that I write this piece dedicated to all children of the world, especially the motherless babies, the young teenagers who have been forced into all sorts of crimes and prostitution. I really love them and feel their pain, they should never give up rather they should be strong and use their challenges as ladder to the apex of success and zenith of fulfillment.